We all know how important it is to set goals. Goals give us direction and purpose.They are something by which we can measure our success by. A successful life is a life by which goals are constantly set and achieved. We also know that most of us never achieve our goals. So how do we go about setting and achieving our goals?

1: Firstly we need to make sure that our goal is in fact our goal. By this I mean it must be something that is personal to you. It must not be something that you think your peers or mother expect you to achieve. If it is your goal you will be far more likely to achieve it.

2: Substitute the word goal for the word promise. Semantics I know, but lets think about this for a minute or two. What does the word goal say to you. A goal is something you strive for, something you will attempt to achieve, something you will try and make a reality. Now what does the word promise say to you. A promise is something that you keep. It is your word. It is not something that you will try and keep, it is something that you will do your utmost to keep. We do not make promises that we will not keep, what does that do for our credibility, not a lot. So by substituting the word goal for promise, it creates a totally different mindset about what we are setting out to achieve. It sends a different message to your subconscious.

3:Clearly identify your promise.Trying to achieve a promise that is not clearly defined is like trying to stick the tail on the donkey whilst blindfolded, shooting in the dark. So how rich do you want to be, what kind of car do you want. Be as specific as you can be.Clearly identify exactly just what it is that you want.The more specific you are the clearer you will be able to see it in your minds eye, which in turn imprints it into your subconscious.

4: Identify your personal motivator. Why do you need to achieve this goal? You need to have something that keeps you motivated. Otherwise you are likely to stop at the first hurdle. Now this motivator can be either positive or negative. A negative motivator can be someone telling you that you are dreaming and will never be able to achieve whatever it is you have set. You are now motivated to show that person just how wrong they are about you.Positive motivation could be the reason you want that new car. So whether your motivation is negative or positive does not matter as long as it works for you and keeps you striving for your goal.

5: Create a promise plan. How, where, who, what ,when? Answer these questions and you will find yourself formulating a working promise plan.Just as every successful business needs a working business plan, so does every promise if it is to be successful. Once you have a plan work it every day. No matter how good the plan is, if it is not worked it will not work.

6: Review your plan on a regular basis.Take 20 minutes a day to look over your plan. You may find that you will need to revise it as time goes. The more you review it the better it will become. Constantly reviewing it keeps it fresh in the mind which keeps you focused as well as implanting it into your subconscious. You notice how I keep referring to your subconscious? This is because your subconscious is a very powerful ally to have working on your side. Once your subconscious knows what your plan is and how determined you are to make it happen it kicks in to make it a reality and then you are almost unstoppable.

7: Tell yourself that you will succeed. Self affirmations are another powerful tool to use to get your subconscious working for you. Positive self talk can never be underestimated. I can do it, I will do it, I am going to achieve it.

8: Tell others about your promise. This provides additional motivation, as well as making you accountable. You may find that some of the people you tell will help you on your way.

9: Envision the final result. See yourself as having achieved your promise. See yourself living in that house, driving that car , working in the job you want. When you go to bed at night see yourself as having achieved your promise. Use your imagination to see the wonderful things you have achieved instead of worrying about things that are more than likely to never materialize anyway. It will make you sleep easier and gives your brain something to think about whilst you are sleeping.

10: Don't give up! Stick with the plan, work the plan and continually keep revising your plan.

If you use these tips and make them a way of life any goal that you set will be achievable. Dream big and aim for the stars.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Friendship Forever Two inseparable friends, Sam and Jason, met with an accident on their way to Boston City. The following morning, Jason woke up blind and Sam was still unconscious. Dr. Berkeley was standing at his bedside looking at his health chart and medications with a thoughtful expression on his face. When he saw Sam awake, he beamed at him and asked." How are you feeling today Sam?" Sam tried to put up a brave face and smiled back saying, "absolutely wonderful Doctor. I am very grateful for all that you have done for me. "Dr Berkeley was moved at Sam's deed. All that he could say was, "You are a very brave man Sam and God will make it up to you in one way or another". While he was moving on to the next patient, Sam called back at him almost pleading, "promise me you won't tell Jason anything". "You know I won't do that. Trust me." and walked away. "Thank you " whispered Sam. He smiled and looked up in prayer " I hope I live up to your ideas...please give me the strength to be able to go through this..Amen" Months later when Jason had recuperated considerably, he stopped hanging around with Sam. He felt discouraged and embarrassed to spend time with a disabled person like Sam. Sam was lonely and disheartened ,since he didn't have any body else other than Jason to count on. Things went from bad to worse. And one day Sam died in despair. When Jason was called on his burial, he found a letter waiting for him. Dr Berkeley gave it to him with an expressionless face and said" This is for you Jason. Sam had asked me to give it to you when he was gone". In the letter he had said: " Dear Jason, I have kept my promise in the end to lend you my eyes if anything had happened to them. Now there is nothing more that I can ask from God, than the fact ,that will see the world through my eyes. You will always be my best friend........Sam". When he had finished reading Dr. Berkeley said " I had promised Sam to keep his sacrifice he made a secret from you. But now I wish I didn't stick it Because I don't think It was worthy it" . All that was left for Jason while he stood there was tears of regret and memories of Sam for the rest of his life . Lesson of the story: No matter what If we make a friend, we should stick by him till the end. Life is meaningless without a friend.